Meeting Date/Time: February 24, 6:30-7:30PM Attendees: Peter Fullerton, Craig Gallant, Janet MacDonald, Joanne Poirier Regrets: Henry Victor
1., 2. Welcome and Introductions - Attendees introduced themselves and described their background and experience o Year Round Representative - Joanne Poirier o Seasonal Representative - Craig Gallant o At Large - Janet MacDonald o SEAL President - Peter Fullerton
Mandate of This Committee: - Roads fees collection - Roads Maintenance - Hire Bookkeeper - Lawn Cutting - Signage at entrance - Snow Plowing - Speed limits - Cost of electric streetlights in Seawood
3. Appointment of a recording secretary - Janet MacDonald appointed as recording secretary
4. Approval of the Agenda was confirmed as follows:
- Motion was passed to approve agenda: - Mover – Craig; Seconder – Joanne - Approved - All in favour
5. Committee Question and Answer
Q. What percentage of funds have been collected/ what is the allocation of funds collected? - Collection of past due fees – invoices were submitted for past due accounts at the beginning of January and overdue invoices were sent 30 days later - Some funds (approx. $9K) have been written off as a result of non-payment. - Note, there are 12 lot owners within Seawood who are exempt from road maintenance based on their deed; some have chosen to pay road fees; remainder have concerns about voluntarily paying because they do not want it to be binding. - Collection of current fees- invoices were sent end of January and were due at that time - Response from residents regarding fees has been positive and 70% of this year’s fees have now been collected. - Only 8 accounts are past due and overdue invoices have been sent out.
Q. Budget - What is the $5K of contingency for? - Per Peter, this can be for anything that has not been considered – for example, lawyer’s fees, road signs, etc. - If not used, the contingency will be added to available road funds.
Q. What can be reasonably done to the roads within the estimate $29K yearly available funds? - Per Craig, it is unclear what can be done for $29K because we will be reconstructing; however, residents will notice an improvement in the dirt roads with the available budget. - The problem is the poor base, and once fixed, the focus will be on ongoing and regular maintenance – this would be best approach. - He is in agreement with keeping the roads unpaved.
Q. How many companies have been approached regarding upgrading the roads? - Maritime Construction (Wayne Barlow) - Curran and Briggs (Scott Mahoney) - According to Peter in conversation with Curran and Briggs, this year’s goal would be to fix Seawood Drive from the main entrance up to Burns, adding milling, and 6” base of ¾ and under; round shoulders into the ditches. - 24’ road (or standard road width) to be re-established along Seawood.
A. Guiding Principles - Per Peter, the goal is to spend all dollars collected each year. - Focus will be on maintenance and repair – i.e. replace culverts, redevelop ditches and crown roads, etc. - Work priority (as identified in the proposed budget document sent to all Seawood residents) is based on traffic flow and topography, as follows: - General yearly maintenance (spring and fall), - Clear and or replace culverts so they are running, - Ditching done to carry water away, - Crown roadbeds, and - Solidify roadbeds. - Other consideration - Water upgrades will impact road: - Coordination of road maintenance with planned or future water upgrades (e.g. upgrade to 4 inch pipes) will need to be considered. - Seawood Estates Inc. is responsible for any road work required as a result of water/sewer repair.
6. Insurance Update - Yearly liability insurance is required for new directors and is paid in full effective Feb 18, 2021.
7. RFP for Bookkeeper - Scope of Work: - Road maintenance invoicing and follow-ups. - Estimate 100 hours @ 2 hours/week = $3K + HST. - 4 local companies were contacted and 2 submissions were received: - Nancy Durant and Clyde View Girl Friday - Attendees agreed that submissions were comparable; lowest tender - Clyde View Girl Friday – was accepted. - Next steps for bookkeeper who is hired will be to reconcile accounts. - Motion was passed to accept RFP from Clyde View Girl Friday and instruct Peter to initiate next steps, pending positive reference check: - Mover – Joanne; Seconder – Craig - Approved - All in favour
8. Road Sign - Per a resident’s lawyer, they recommend an update to the sign at the main entrance to clearly indicate that the roads are private and to drive at your own risk. This sign is needed to alleviate any personal risk born by residents. - A mock-up was provided in the meeting materials sent in advance to the Committee members. - The quote to update the existing road sign with the new sign (approx. 5”x18”x24”) is $190-$200 (est.) and will be paid out of road fees funds. - Motion was passed to proceed with this expenditure: - Mover – Joanne; Seconder – Craig - Approved - All in favour
9. Other
Next Meeting - To be scheduled for end of March - Date/Time is TBD. - Proposed Agenda item - Review RFP for mowing. - RFP is out now - 3 different companies selected to submit. - The RFP was advertised locally through the Cavendish Municipality via weekly newsletter.