Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited
Executive Meeting MinutesSeptember 2, 2016OpeningA meeting of the Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited was called to order at 3:00pm on Sept 2, 2016 facilitated by Peter Fullerton..
PresentJohn Boyne, Bob Waugh, Joe Kaczmarczyk, Diane Crozier. Absent with regrets: Dick Rowell
AgendaThe agenda was presented by Peter and accepted by the board.
Approval of MinutesThe minutes for the meeting of July 27/16, were reviewed and approved. Moved by Bob Waugh/Seconded by John Boyne
Annual meeting minutes were reviewed and will be approved at the next annual Meeting in 2017.
Agenda Items:
AdjournmentMeeting was adjourned at 4:15pm by Peter Fullerton. No date was set for the next meeting.
Minutes submitted by: Diane Crozier
Executive Meeting MinutesSeptember 2, 2016OpeningA meeting of the Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited was called to order at 3:00pm on Sept 2, 2016 facilitated by Peter Fullerton..
PresentJohn Boyne, Bob Waugh, Joe Kaczmarczyk, Diane Crozier. Absent with regrets: Dick Rowell
AgendaThe agenda was presented by Peter and accepted by the board.
Approval of MinutesThe minutes for the meeting of July 27/16, were reviewed and approved. Moved by Bob Waugh/Seconded by John Boyne
Annual meeting minutes were reviewed and will be approved at the next annual Meeting in 2017.
Agenda Items:
- Correspondence Sent & Received: Correspondence received was reviewed. Peter will follow up with responses where needed.
- Road Committee Update: Signs have all been installed and the project is complete. A question was raised as to whether the signs should have been approved by the Municipality prior to installation. Clause 4.9 of the municipality bylaws were reviewed and all the signs are in keeping with this bylaw. The president will send a letter to the municipality to explain reasons the signs are exempt. Moved by Bob, Seconded by Joe
- Webpage Update: Discussed privacy implications and number of levels of security, ie main page, member page, executive page. The committee will continue with creating a member only area to include Activites, pictures, Document section, possible Blog and other links. Costs for the website will be in the range of $200 for the first year.
- Membership Drive: Everyone should send a list of people we were not able to contact to Peter and he will work at it over the winter.
- Treasurers Report: An updated treasurers report was distributed for review.
- Bench for Larry Gray: John has a new style of Bench. Peter to review with Gloria Grey and get approval for location.
- Other items:
- Wedding at Driftwood Lodge: Temporary permit issued by the municipality for a wedding on Sept 4th. Tent to be set up today and taken down on Sept 5th. Approvals in place by all govt departments.
- Gazebo Project: suggestion to build a Gazebo in the Green space at the end of Seawood Drive. Peter to solicit feedback from the membership to assess interest.
- Policy for recognition/remembrance items: question raised as to whether we should develop a policy on recognition, i.e. benches. Decision was to have everyone send their recommendation to Peter and he will .
AdjournmentMeeting was adjourned at 4:15pm by Peter Fullerton. No date was set for the next meeting.
Minutes submitted by: Diane Crozier