Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited Executive Meeting MinutesJune 7, 2017OpeningA meeting of the Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited was called to order at 7:00pm on June 7, 2017 facilitated by Peter Fullerton.. Present John Boyne, Bob Waugh, Joe Kaczmarczyk, Diane Crozier, Dick Rowell Agenda The agenda was presented by Peter and accepted by the board. Moved by Dick, Seconded by Bob Approval of Minutes Previous meeting minutes not available. Will be presented at next meeting Agenda Items:
Correspondence Sent & Received: Peter fielded a number of emails and inquiries over the winter. Nothing required SEAL attention and all were responded to.
Signs: Although approved at the AGM, since installation have received some concerns over location of the signs. One sign is down and one is missing. Peter will send out an email asking for assistance in locating missing the sign. Owners near the locations of the signs where concern was expressed will be contacted to ensure they are satisfied with where the signs are being placed. Will also contact the municipality to ensure they are in agreement.
Bench: In memory of Larry Gray. John looking after ordering materials for bench.
Internet Proposal: Announcement being made on June 10/17 at Inn on the Pier by Eastlink and Wayne Easter. Work is expected to start with 10 days after announcement.
Committee Discussions:
Mail Hut: Paint/Door/Light – Dick to talk to Taz Gallant to assess condition of the floor and ability to connect a light.
Pond: No Interest/environmental implications
Community Garden: ask for volonteers to assess interest in community
Path Markers/Repair/Paint: Wagon Wheels marking paths need replacement. 16 markers. Team project
Yard Sale: ask for volonteers to assess interest in community. Would need a min of 10 people and need for a permit from municipality.
Trees/Shrubs: Several Black walnut and red oak trees have been planted around the development by Peter Fullerton and Steig Andersen. (trees donated by S. Andersen.) The shrub at the entrance is damaged with winterkill. Peter to discuss with Seawood Estates to inquire if they will replace it.
Webpage Update: motion passed by email on Sept 22/16 to approve expenditure of $200 to create webpage. Agreed by all and moved by Joe, seconded by Diane. Committee to review adding new sections for Advertising & Rentals. Peter will also add to the project list to solicit input from membership to develop section for History of Seawood to include such items as Stories from over the years, personal narratives, pictures, History of Stanley Bridge, etc.
Membership Fees and email addresses: discussed and agreed to proceed as with last year, each of us to take same area.
Annual Meeting – looking at a date in late July or August. To be revisited.
Election of officers – several positions up for election this year at the Annual General Meeting. Peter will include those in his notice regarding the AGM.
Other items:
Fire & Emergency preparedness – Ask Brenda to make a presentation again this year at the AGM so that people understand the 911 services for the area.
Directors insurance – John to investigate
AdjournmentMeeting was adjourned at 9:40pm by Peter Fullerton. No date was set for the next meeting. Minutes submitted by: Diane Crozier Approved by: [Name]