Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited
Executive Meeting MinutesJuly 27, 2016OpeningA meeting of the Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited was called to order at 3:00pm on July 27, 2016 facilitated by Peter Fullerton..
PresentJohn Boyne, Bob Waugh, Joe Kaczmarczyk, Diane Crozier. Absent: Dick Rowell
AgendaThe agenda was presented by Peter and accepted by the board.
Approval of MinutesThe minutes for the 2 previous meetings, May 31/16 and July 12/16, were reviewed and approved.
Agenda Items:
Minutes submitted by: Diane Crozier
Approved by: [Name]
Executive Meeting MinutesJuly 27, 2016OpeningA meeting of the Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited was called to order at 3:00pm on July 27, 2016 facilitated by Peter Fullerton..
PresentJohn Boyne, Bob Waugh, Joe Kaczmarczyk, Diane Crozier. Absent: Dick Rowell
AgendaThe agenda was presented by Peter and accepted by the board.
Approval of MinutesThe minutes for the 2 previous meetings, May 31/16 and July 12/16, were reviewed and approved.
Agenda Items:
- Correspondence Sent & Received: Correspondence received was reviewed. Peter will follow up with responses where needed.
- Road Sign Discussions and Road Maintenance: Peter met with Seawood Estates to review the proposal for road signs. A sum of $600 was offered from the Road Maintenance budget for 2016. Joe and Dick will review the proposal to prioritize signs and work according to what is available. Some traffic control signs may be able to be repositioned. David Romcke was able to obtain a road sign for Pickering Point Road from the province per 911 requirements.
- Membership Drive: All present provided an update on their progress with the membership drive. Cut off for updates to Diane for the directory is July 31 so that she can have a final copy to Peter on Monday, August 1st.
- Annual Meeting Discussion:
- Food: Peter to review with Dick and Judy to see what is needed. Coffee pods?
- Registration: need to record name and # of lots to ensure voting count is correct. Ask for Proxy’s when registering to ensure they are included. Only one vote per lot.
- Set Up: Food tables in Garage. Table on porch for registration and meeting (Bob will provide.) May need an additional coffee maker. Peter has two BBQ’s.
- Documentation: To be provided to members at meeting: Last year’s Annual Meeting Minutes, Agenda, Treasurer’s Report, President’s Report, Road Maintenance Report.
- Annual Meeting Agenda: reviewed Peter’s proposed Agenda including guests and New Business. Peter will try to contact Brad Trivers, MLA to extend an invitation.
- By Law Changes: Reviewed the changes proposed to the by-laws at our last meeting. Moved for approval to present to the membership by Bob Waugh, Seconded by Diane Crozier.
- Approval of Full Time Resident Nomination: According to the proposed changes to by-laws, it was agreed to put forth Joe Kaczmarcyzk as the full time resident nominee at the annual meeting. A confidential vote will be held at the annual meeting for election to the position.
- Other:
- Website: Janet MacDonald is preparing a proposal for the website (Content, pricing, etc.) for review by the executive.
Minutes submitted by: Diane Crozier
Approved by: [Name]