Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited Executive Meeting MinutesJuly 17,2018 Opening A meeting of the Executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited was called to order at 6:30pm on July 17, 2018 facilitated by Peter Fullerton. Present John Boyne, Joe Kaczmarczyk, Diane Crozier, Dick Rowell were present. Bob Waugh was absent with regrets. Agenda The agenda was presented by Peter and accepted by the board. Moved by John, Seconded by Joe. Visit Water System: 6:45 – 7:15pm The group moved to the old Wygant farm property to visit the Water System housed in the barn. Henry Victor provided a tour of the system including holding tanks and purification system. A tour of other spaces in the barn was also provided. Approval of Minutes Review of minutes of previous meetings held last year on August 17, 2017 and on July 3, 2018 was completed. Email vote for additional $100 for signs was also reviewed. All moved for approval by Diane, Seconded by Joe. Correspondenc sent/received: nothing SEAL related since last meeting. Membership Fees/Email Addresses: Diane to contact Brenda MacDonald at the Municipality Office to complete a review against her records to identify any corrections required on the Directory. Diane also to inquire with her about the option of an enclosure about SEAL Membership with the Sewer billing. Peter to make similar inquiry with H Victor about the water or road billing. Peter also to send out an email to owners about membership fees and solicitation from Executive. A discussion was also held about increasing the annual membership fee to $30 which can be justified by the many community improvements managed by SEAL, including the Internet Project; and the cost of annual insurance for SEAL. Agreed this should be presented at the Annual General Meeting in August. Moved by Diane, Seconded by John.
Annual Meeting: Peter to send out email with notice of Annual General Meeting on August 11, 2018. Cookout 1:00 p.m. Meeting 2:00 p.m. Solicit membership for any interested parties in the roles of Treasurer and Permanent Resident positions and anyone interested in acting on a Project Committee. Some discussion was held on whether the Permanent Resident Position should be updated to reflect other ownership in Seawood, ie Business owners/landlords. It was decided the first meeting of 2019 should include a review of the bylaws which could include a review of positions on the Executive.
Other items: The following items were also added to the agenda:
Grass cutting: It was agreed that public spaces are not being kept up to previous standards. Cutting needs to be done weekly, including trimming. Peter to follow up with Henry Victor.
Roads: Road conditions continue to be of concern. Given the dry conditions this summer, the owner has been waiting for there to be more moisture in the roads to make scraping and any road work worthwhile.
Bench on Bayview: bench has a significant lean. Joe and Dick will investigate and determine what needs to be done and complete an email vote to approve any expense required.
Signs: Yield sign at Driftwood and Stanley needed a new post so a gas digger was required. Installed 2 new signs along Driftwood and Seawood. Moved by John to reimburse Joe for up to $150 for work completed. Seconded by Diane
Brainstorming: The topic of having a brainstorming session was discussed to help identify improvements and any other beneficial changes within Seawood Estates. It was suggested that a Suggestion Box be installed at the Mail Hut. John Boyne agreed to make/install the box.