Seawood Estates Association Limited
Executive Meeting MinutesJuly 12, 2016OpeningA meeting of the executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited was held at 86 Stanley Drive, Seawood Estates on July 12, 2016, facilitated by Peter Fullerton.
PresentJohn Boyne, Bob Waugh, Joe Kaczmarczyk, Dick Rowell, Diane Crozier
AgendaThe agenda was presented by Peter Fullerton
Approval of MinutesMeeting minutes for the previous meeting were not available and will be approved at the next meeting.
Agenda Items:
Minutes submitted by: Diane Crozier
Approved by:
Executive Meeting MinutesJuly 12, 2016OpeningA meeting of the executive of the Seawood Estates Association Limited was held at 86 Stanley Drive, Seawood Estates on July 12, 2016, facilitated by Peter Fullerton.
PresentJohn Boyne, Bob Waugh, Joe Kaczmarczyk, Dick Rowell, Diane Crozier
AgendaThe agenda was presented by Peter Fullerton
Approval of MinutesMeeting minutes for the previous meeting were not available and will be approved at the next meeting.
Agenda Items:
- Correspondence Sent & Received: No new items. Discussion was held on whether or not we need to obtain permission from members to before sending any correspondence. Decision was permission is implied by membership and to leave as is. If anyone wishes to be removed from our distribution list, we will do so when requested.
- Estimates on Road Signs: Proposal for new signs and estimate of costs presented by Dick Rowell and Joe Kaczmarczyk. Peter Fullerton will present the estimate ($1200 including signs and wooden posts/materials) will be presented to Seawood Estates Inc. (Elmer Newson) asking that they provide materials and signs and we will provide the labour to install. Preference is that signs should be paid directly by the development and not from road maintenance budget, especially for signs pertaining to safety and basic street signage. Also, a motion was passed to approve spending of $100 for signage for the Boat Launch area on Seawood Drive, similar to other common use areas stating that the area is for the use of Residents and their guests only. Moved by Bob Waugh, Seconded by Joe Kaczmarczyk. As this will be placed on Seawood Estates Inc property, Peter will obtain permission from Elmer Newson prior to purchase/installation.
- Web Page: No update available.
- Membership Drive: John Boyne presented a division of the development into 5 areas; each member of the executive selected an area that they will canvas for memberships and obtain any acontact info updates. Peter will act as coordinator and will pick up receipt books for everyone to use. Peter to update the document “A Few Good reasons to Join….” for us to use in the drive as a handout to property owners. Discussion was held on whether or not to increase dues next year to $20 per year (see By-Law Changes.) Drive to be completed prior to Annual Meeting.
- Annual Meeting Date: August 6th at 86 Stanley Drive; BBQ at 1pm with meeting to start at 2pm. Peter to send out email.
- By Law Changes: A review of the By-Laws was completed. Moved by John Boyne and Seconded by Joe Kaczmarczyk that the membership fee be set at $20 per member per year. Moved by John Boyne and seconded by Joe Kaczmarczyk that the changes proposed to the By-Laws at the Executive meeting dated 7/12/16 be reviewed and presented as a block of changes by Peter to the membership at the annual meeting.
- Other Business:
- Elmer Newson was contacted by the owner of a property at the end of Pickering Point Road complaining about a pile of woodchips deposited at the edge of his property and asking for them to be removed. It was agreed they were not placed there at our request, however it was decided they can be removed this time and used to spread on the access path.
- Bench for Larry Gray: Dick will contact the Gray’s to inquire if they have made any decision on what they would like done as a tribute for Larry.
- Redcliffe property: Joe will contact the owners to inquire if it would be ok to cut back grass and cover broken window.
Minutes submitted by: Diane Crozier
Approved by: