Seawood Estates Association Limited Annual General Meeting MinutesAugust 11, 2018
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by President Peter Fullerton, who acted as chairperson. There were approx. 55 members present representing 43 votes.
Introduction of the Executive:
The president introduced the board members: Dick Rowell, past president; John Boyne, vice-president; Bob Waugh, treasurer; Joe Kaczmarczyk, permanent resident director; and Diane Crozier, secretary (who was absent with regrets.)
Approval of the Agenda:
The president called for a motion to amend the circulated agenda, allowing for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Victor to move to the top of the agenda to facilitate their attending to other commitments. Motion put forward by Barry Stickings, seconded by Gloria Gray. Motion approved.
Approval of Minutes of 2017 AGM
Approval of the minutes of the 2017 meeting as circulated. Motion by Glenna Kaczmarczyk, seconded by Kevin Gray. Motion Approved.
Introduction of New Owners to Membership:
The President introduced Henry and Stella Victor, new owners of the Seawood Estates development. Henry Victor spoke to the attendees, outlining some of his background and provided a short oversight of their plans for the future. Henry asked for some understanding as he and Stella work through their learning curve. He expressed his understanding for improved road maintenance and landscaping being maintained at a high level. He recognized that there was some shortfall as they began their new venture. Henry encouraged all owners in Seawood to contact him directly with any concerns they may have. He provided his cell phone number, 902-330-5211. The President thanked Henry and Stella for taking the time to meet today. Some questions were put forward to Henry following his presentation. Some responses were made by Brenda MacDonald of Cavendish Municipality.
Gloria Gray asked about current well capacity for the private water utility? Henry and Brenda provided the answer with Brenda giving the latest number at up to 9 more lots approvable for water connection. Beyond that number would be subject to review by municipal authorities.
Frank Fowlie inquired about the capacity of the sewer system and any ability of a lot owner to put in an independent septic field. Brenda made it clear that the municipal sewer system servicing Seawood has capacity well beyond needs envisioned for Seawood. Now that the municipal system is in place it would be illegal to put in a private septic field.
Lana Waugh asked about water testing. Henry and Brenda stated that Toombs Plumbing takes water samples regularly and the actual testing is done by government.
President’s Report
The president reviewed his report as previously circulated, highlighting the success of the Eastlink cable project specifically noting the dramatically higher internet speeds available. It was noted that the report circulated had given the Seawood Assoc. website as The suffix should be .ca and not .com John Boyne was thanked for placing a suggestion box at the mail hut. (humor) John seemed a bit concerned there has been no suggestions placed in the box, as yet. The president moved his report be approved as circulated and reviewed. Seconded Myron Matheson. Motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Bob Waugh presented the report as circulated. Barry Stickings sought clarification of the cost of the recently established (2017 & 2018) directors & volunteers liability insurance. The president stated it would be covered under new business. Bob Waugh moved the report be approved as circulated. Seconded by Barry Stickings. Motion approved.
Road Fee Report
The president stated the report was only recently received from the developer and does require further review with Mr. Henry Victor. Laurie Dunbar asked about the item “bad debt”. Peter stated this does require clarification and will be followed up on. Linda Lowther asked about what she perceived as possible duplication of accounting and bookkeeping expense. Gloria Gray asked about the rent item. President Peter clarified that the report will be subject to detailed discussion with Mr. Victor.
Business arising from the 2017 annual meeting
None heard.
New Business:
Road Fees Accounting
See above
Report from Cavendish Municipality
Brenda MacDonald of the Municipality of Cavendish being among the attendees, the President asked if she would like to makes some comments. Brenda talked about the recent election of Mayor and council for the Municipality with Mathew Jelly becoming the first Mayor of the municipality. She also talked about the 911 system as it applies to this area. It was stressed that when calling 911 on PEI, they are essentially a dispatching organization and are not trained to give emergency advice over the phone. If calling about a medical emergency requiring immediate assistance, the urgency should be clearly stated, requesting the fire department which has staff trained in first responder medical care.
c. Activities
Judy Rowell reported that the Seawood Book club is open to anyone, not just Seawood residents and has been well attended with up to 18 participants. Club reading lists are created and distributed with designated books being discussed and reviewed at the monthly meetings. Judy also made statements of support for area groups like the Stanley Bridge Women’s Institute which runs the Stanley Bridge Hall. She encouraged volunteer participation and assistance in these local groups.
d. Setting of membership fees Peter outlined the need to increase the annual membership fees, largely, to cover the cost of liability insurance costs. A motion was put forth by Linda Young and seconded by Laurie Dunbar. Motion was approved at $30 per year.
e. Election of Executive Members Election of new Treasurer, 2 names, Linda Young and Sarah Ramsay were put forward. Linda Young elected by vote. Election of Permanent Resident Director, one name put forward, Myron Matheson by acclamation.
Other Business
Frank Fowlie talked about speeders on Seawood endangering children playing near the summer rental properties. The president noted this will be discussed by the board for further action.
Mr. Anderson suggested a playground for children. Peter pointed to the area designated in the original plan for a playground and thought this might be the time to make the issue a subject for board discussion.
It was noted that there has been a number of fireworks displays, believed to be unapproved, in the community over the last couple of years. This is not legal without Fire Marshall approval. Police should be called if fireworks are being illegally used.
Laurie Dunbar suggested new sales agreements contain language dictating membership in the Seawood owner association. In a short discussion it was questioned whether this was possible/practical, all be it desirable. Will raise the issue again at a board meeting.
Meeting was adjourned by Peter Fullerton at 3:49 PM
Minutes Submitted by Bob Waugh (for Diane Crozier)
Approved by:
President's Report 2018
Here we are…. Another year has passed and we are once again having our Annual Pot Luck BBQ and Annual Meeting.
Personally this has been a very busy year for Karen and I. As you may remember we went north shortly after the annual meeting of 2017. We had a wonderful adventure and had the opportunity to experience life in a part of Canada that most have never visited let alone lived in. Like for most the adventures, it was fun but it is always great to get home.
SEAL, working with all three levels of government, has accomplished a great deal for the residents of Seawood. Most notably we now have a reliable and truly high speed internet provider. My speeds top 150Mbps and combined with television and phone I see a substantial savings over our past provider. If you are interested in connecting to Eastlink remember to contact the technician directly as he can offer greater savings than calling the 1-800 number. Once again recognition must be paid to those contributors who made this a reality.
If you personally did not contribute and have taken advantage of what your neighbours have provided, you may want to think about making a special contribution to SEAL to help us continue other work on behalf of the residents of Seawood Estates.
The strength of any association comes from the collective strengths of its members. Currently there are approximately 65 members of SEAL. Membership dues are due January 1st of each year even though many residents wait until the annual meeting to pay the dues for the year. Our goal is to have residents pay by January 1. This gives you access to the web page and if vote on a given topic should occur at any time during the year lot owners need to be a member to vote on that topic.
The Executive has met four times in the past year as well as several Email votes on specific topics. The minutes of these meetings will be available in the “Members Only” section of our web site when time permits the update of our web page. Topics discussed ranged from discussions to be had with the new owners, internet, roads, beautification ideas, dues, the annual meeting and the list goes on and on.
Throughout the year I have had several meetings with Seawood Inc. to discuss road conditions and other topics of interest to residents. As with any new venture there are growing pains and in working with Henry we hope to make Seawood a better place to live or summer.
To help inform members of happenings within Seawood we issue two email updates, spring and winter, as well as any others as need be. These Emails are sent to members of SEAL and I found in the past year a number of email addresses bounced back as invalid. This may be because of a person’s change in service provider or any other myriad of reasons. These Email addresses are drawn from the SEAL Directory list and we ask that you keep us up to date with any changes in your contact information. One never knows when a topic of importance could arise and a discussion or vote may be needed.
Only paid members of SEAL have the right to vote and the Executive has undertaken a membership drive again this summer to bring the numbers up to where they have been in the past. We urge you to be a member and talk with your neighbours about the importance of being a member. We will be voting on the membership fee for 2019 later today but I can tell you the recommendation from the Executive is that membership fees for the coming year be set at $30. One reason for the increase is the need for director’s insurance as discussed last year at the Annual Meeting.
A great deal of work has been going into maintaining an up to date directory with all the current information we have at this time. An updated version will be sent out electronically later with all information collected during the Annual Meeting. We update this directory constantly and provide the most up to date version electronically on the Web Site.
Once again six benches have been placed around Seawood for residents and guests who may be out for a walk. It is noted that several of these benches have disappeared in the past two years. If you know the whereabouts of any of these benches we ask that you return them to their place of origin so they can be collected and stored at the end of the season. It is important to work together towards the beautification of Seawood Estates and for this to be an inviting place to new and potential residents. There are many lots available for construction within Seawood and all fees collected will help with road maintenance etc.
We now maintain a Web page to help make residents aware of happenings within Seawood. If you haven’t been there to visit please check it out. Access to the “Members Only” section comes with your payment of dues.
We are looking for members of a “Projects Committee” to undertake a number of beautification projects in the coming year. I once again want to ask anyone interested in becoming active in the community to contact a member of the executive. I believe one thing that is lacking here in Seawood is a “Sense of Community” and that comes by having residents volunteer and becoming actively connected to their community.
We do have a book club that meets regularly and thanks to Judy Rowell for taking the lead for this activity.
If you have an idea for an activity or would like to restart one of the past activities for next year please contact one of the executive members and we will do whatever we can to make it a reality.
A suggestion box has been placed on the Mail Hut and is checked regularly. Please submit any suggestions complete with your contact information so that we may follow up in order to make your suggestion become a reality.
I would like to thank the executive, Dick Rowell Past President, John Boyne Vice President, Bob Waugh Treasurer, Joe Kaczmarczyk Full time Resident Rep and Diane Crozier Secretary. These volunteers have done much work on behalf of the member’s behalf during the past year.
As I said in my opening Seawood is only as strong as its residents and I hope you all will become involved in your community in one way or another during the coming year.